Repatriation of the deceased from England

The difficult circumstances of life in the homeland often lead to go in search of happiness abroad. A lot of Lithuanians choose the United Kingdom as a country of new life, where they discover new opportunities and settle down for a little longer or maybe permanently. Unfortunately, a ruthless fate can befall us at any time in any corner of the World. It is a pity, but it also happens to Lithuanians in the United Kingdom.

Repatriation of the remains from England with “Gedulo kelias”

  • We are EXPERTS in the international transportation of the decedents, having practical experience an clarified the differences between the repatriation from England, Ireland, Scotland and many other countries.
  • We work without intermediaries and DIRECTLY COOPERATE with many UK institutions which are involved in the repatriation process of the deceased: airlines, funeral house, private and public organizations, etc.
  • Therefore, we GUARANTEE that the repatriation of the remains from England will be fulfilled FAST and at THE BEST PRICES.

The press writes about us

Į Angliją ar kitas šalis žmonės važiuoja kad daugiau uždirbtų, kad rastų asmeninę laimę, tad niekas nepagalvoja, kad gali nutikti nelaimė. Gal būtų pravartu pagalvoti ir iš anksto kam nors iš artimųjų duoti įgaliojimą po mirties pasirūpinti ir palaikais ir kitais dalykais, kad nebūtų taip, kaip šiuo atveju“,- pataria T. Lukošiūnas .
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